Restaurants - Jain Food
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The food like the Jain people themselves, is simple, practical and down to earth. The jain cuisine is a vegetarian gourmet's dream come true. It is a true vegetarian wonder with complete nutrition derived from vegetables prepared in innumerable variations and subtly flavoured with spices.

At coconut Grove restaurant the gujrati food and the Indian specials are a host of mouth watering and festive recipes for all occasions and all cooked the right way for enjoying a healthier tomorrow!

The foods you eat provide more than nourishment and energy; the right diet can help you prevent and fight diseases. But does this mean that you have to eat bland and boiled food all the time? No way!. In Coconutgrove Goa, you will get all kinds of healty, low fat food.

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Betalbatim beach, Betalbatim, Salcette, Goa.
Tel: 91 (832) 2880123 / 125. Fax: 91 (832) 2880124.