Tajmahal Hotel
Rarely does a hotel become a part of a city's legend, but in Mumbai, the Taj Mahal, like its inspiration in Agra, is a local landmark. This elaborate structure with its charming cupolas and oriental décor was actually commissioned by Jamshedji Tata, a leading Indian industrialist. The architect was a Briton by the name of Chambers, who inexplicably designed the hotel with its back the sea, a mistake that has never been rectified. Even today, the grand old lobby faces the road behind. It hardly matters, though, because the Taj is really a work of art. And from the picture windows of its quiet and elegant rooms, you still get a magnificent view of the Gateway against the backdrop of the harbour.


Accommodations :: Beach Resort :: Business :: Entertainment :: Holiday Packages :: Restaurants :: Sightseeing

Betalbatim beach, Betalbatim, Salcette, Goa.
Tel: 91 (832) 2880123 / 125. Fax: 91 (832) 2880124.
Email: cgrove@sancharnet.in