Nehru Centre

It was in 1972 that the Nehru Centre was conceived by the late Shri Rajni Patel and others as a living memorial to the maker of modern India, who symbolized the ideals of enlightened curiosity, scientific temper, secular values, a world view and above all, a faith in the people of India. The foundation stone of this magnificient dream was laid by the late Smt. Indira Gandhi on November 2, 1972 on a six-acre plot leased by the Government of Maharashtra.

Accommodations :: Beach Resort :: Business :: Entertainment :: Holiday Packages :: Restaurants :: Sightseeing

Betalbatim beach, Betalbatim, Salcette, Goa.
Tel: 91 (832) 2880123 / 125. Fax: 91 (832) 2880124.