Juhu Beach
Like Chowpatty, its downtown counterpart, uptown Juhu Beach is also a bourgeois paradise, filled to the gills with screaming children, courting couples and rowdy adolescents. If you want a more fancy excursion, however, retreat behind Juhu's many five star hotels, for a steaming cup of coffee and a splendid view of the coast. The most popular of these beachfront hotels are the Sun and Sand and Holiday Inn. The government run Juhu Centaur also has a 24 hour coffee shop with a view of the sea.


Accommodations :: Beach Resort :: Business :: Entertainment :: Holiday Packages :: Restaurants :: Sightseeing

Betalbatim beach, Betalbatim, Salcette, Goa.
Tel: 91 (832) 2880123 / 125. Fax: 91 (832) 2880124.
Email: cgrove@sancharnet.in